Chiropractic and Manual Therapy

The Essence of Preventive Medicine

Animal Chiropractic is an animal health care modality that focuses on the preservation and health of the neuro-musculo-skeletal system. This is important, because nerves control everything that happens in your animals. Anything adversely affecting the nervous system will have detrimental effects that will resonate throughout the entire body - not just the back! Dr. Heather also has training in animal osteopathy, cranial sacral therapy, and myofascial release. As with everything she does, Dr. Heather combines her training and abilities so a session of manual therapy is tailored to your pet or horse’s specific needs.

Chronic Musculoskeletal Problems

If the movement of even one of the bones in the spine becomes dysfunctional, your animal can gradually lose normal mobility. The result is stiffness, tension, and pain - often dismissed as “normal” aging changes. PAIN IS NOT NORMAL! Appropriate manual therapy can help even aged animals feel new comfort and regain lost mobility.

Behavior Issues

Animals do not always show us clearly when they hurt - sometimes they just get anxious, or even aggressive, because they can’t get comfortable. Combining chiropractic with cranial sacral therapy addresses restrictions throughout the body, offering release and relaxation for pets who do not know how to communicate their suffering. Chiropractic can help animals feel more comfortable and confident!

Acute Tension or Stiffness

Some people think that an acutely injured animal should not receive chiropractic care. I can assure you that this is wrong! Starting appropriate, gentle manual therapy at the earliest possible moment will help relieve inflammation, promoting blood flow and nerve function. When normal movement is affected, and left unattended, it will ultimately impact your animal’s entire wellbeing and quality of life. Chiropractic will help animals to heal more quickly! This is the beginning of a more modern, comprehensive approach to your animal’s healthcare.

Diagnosed Pathologies

When your horse or pet is diagnosed with arthritis, a bulging disc, kissing spine, or a torn ACL, it can feel like you have few options to help them. There’s more! An educated and customized application of chiropractic and other manual therapies can relieve pain, speed healing, and complement the benefits of conventional therapies such as pain medications and surgery. It is not an alternative treatment, but rather an integrative method that when used in conjunction with good conventional veterinary care, will provide years of happy and healthy living.

Healing the whole body

The nervous system coordinates the body’s ability to heal and regulate itself. When the nerves can efficiently communicate with all the structures in your animal’s body, they will begin to heal from within. Research suggests there is a link between chiropractic care and improved sleep, balanced digestion, enhanced immunity, leveled breathing, and so much more. Regular chiropractic adjustments allow the body to perform at its optimum potential.




Herbal Medicine